In occasione della XVI Giornata nazionale per la prevenzione e la cura dell’incontinenza, l’AIDOP ONLUS (Associazione Italiana Disfunzioni Organi Pelvici) ha prodotto il video informativo “Dall'inferno al paradiso": come cambia la vita con le nuove tecniche chirurgiche per curare l’incontinenza urinaria e fecale.
La DIEM ha partecipato al video con il Dott. Benedetto Di Trapani e con il Dott. Bernardo Molinelli.
Articolo completo e video possono essere visualizzati sul sito dell'AIDOP Onlus.
La DIEM ha partecipato al video con il Dott. Benedetto Di Trapani, con il Dott. Bernardo Molinelli e altri alla pubblicazione scientifica di cui si riporta nel seguito l'abstract.
Chronic constipation and Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS) represent a high-incidence pathological status that severely compromise of Quality of Life (QoL). Our multidisciplinary study is aimed to investigate how the resolution of ODS by surgical technique can improve long-term clinical symptoms and the state of physical and mental health and QoL, focusing on the dual interaction between psyche and intestine Chronic constipation and Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS) represent a high-incidence pathological status that severely compromise of Quality of Life (QoL). Our multidisciplinary study is aimed to investigate how the resolution of ODS by surgical technique can improve long-term clinical symptoms and the state of physical and mental health and QoL, focusing on the dual interaction between psyche and intestine. Study conducted on 50 patients of average age 56 years (range 22 -72), diagnosed with ODS and operated with STARR (Stapled Trans anal Rectal Resection) technique for rectal and hemorrhoidal prolapse at the Nursing home “Torina” of Palermo from 2018 since 2019. Before and after surgery, patients underwent psychological counseling, during which a questionnaire (Short form health survey SF-12) on their physical and mental health status and one for the Score of ODS symptomatology evaluation were administered. In ODS STARR surgical technique allows to improve clinical symptoms of patients, their physical and mental health and QoL. In these patients is essential a multidisciplinary study that investigates the dual interaction between psyche and intestine and how this affects patients’ lives.